Recently i successfully installed ZTE AC-2726 modem that came with reliance wireless broadband connection. Below are the steps:
Insert the modem in USB interface and see if that gets detected.
$ lsusb
Bus 005 Device 002: ID 19d2:fff5
I noticed in /var/log/messsages that the device is detected as usb storage. To make it detected as modem we will use usb-modeswitch package. It is a Switching tool for controlling "flip flop" USB devices.
Download usb_switch package from here and install.
$ sudo dpkg -i usb-modeswitch_1.0.2-1_i386.deb
Unplug and plugin the modem back.
$ lsusb
Bus 005 Device 004: ID 19d2:fff1 <- Notice the change in product id
$ sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x19d2 product=0xfff1
You can see in the logs that the modem is detected correctly now. To detect & configure the dialer config run:
$ sudo wvdialconf
Check and add the missing entries in wvdial conf as found below:
$ sudo vi /etc/wvdial.conf
Phone = #777
Password = <Your Password>
Username = <Your Login Name>
Baud = 460800
Stupid Mode = 1
New PPPD = 1
Tonline = 0
Note: Give a valid username & password in the corresponding lines above and uncomment them (Hint: remove ";" from the beginning of the line).
$ sudo wvdial
The connection started working. Note that you can also configure gnome-ppp or kpp to connect.

Insert the modem in USB interface and see if that gets detected.
$ lsusb
Bus 005 Device 002: ID 19d2:fff5
I noticed in /var/log/messsages that the device is detected as usb storage. To make it detected as modem we will use usb-modeswitch package. It is a Switching tool for controlling "flip flop" USB devices.
Download usb_switch package from here and install.
$ sudo dpkg -i usb-modeswitch_1.0.2-1_i386.
Unplug and plugin the modem back.
$ lsusb
Bus 005 Device 004: ID 19d2:fff1 <- Notice the change in product id
$ sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x19d2 product=0xfff1
You can see in the logs that the modem is detected correctly now. To detect & configure the dialer config run:
$ sudo wvdialconf
Check and add the missing entries in wvdial conf as found below:
$ sudo vi /etc/wvdial.conf
Phone = #777
Password = <Your Password>
Username = <Your Login Name>
Baud = 460800
Stupid Mode = 1
New PPPD = 1
Tonline = 0
Note: Give a valid username & password in the corresponding lines above and uncomment them (Hint: remove ";" from the beginning of the line).
$ sudo wvdial
The connection started working. Note that you can also configure gnome-ppp or kpp to connect.

dear sk
ReplyDeletenew to linux,tried following advise to configure the 2726 modem as up to downloading/installing package. product id recognizes modem now.problem is when i try to use sudo command. must have made mistake somewhere. error shows there is another instance of the same edit and that i should delete that swap file before contiuning. also keeps asking for help not a techie...
May be you have a different instance of vi with the same file open. Press E (Edit anyway)
ReplyDeleteMay be Try checking with ps -ef|grep vi to see where the other instance is running. Note that to save and quit vi press Esc and type :wq
You can also edit that file with $ sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
sudo prompts for password the first time you run it in a terminal. That should be good for 5 mins. You have to give your password in the prompt.
It is also easy to configure & use gnome-ppp if text mode is difficult for you to follow.
i was try until sudo modpbrobe usbserial...
ReplyDeleteand nothing happened, if i tpye lsusb it was shown 19d2:fff1
my kernel was upgraded to 2.2.28-15 too
Hi, Do you have any idea to do the same installation in Windows 2003? as it is suppored only for windows xp and less than that version. (means X32 is supported and X64 is not supported)
ReplyDeleteI could install it in Win XP with the CD that came with the modem.
ReplyDeleteI haven't done it in windows 2003 as such.
i didnt know why, but i was can use this modem after i move it to other usb port.
ReplyDeletei was using other source to make it connect too
Thanks a lot for the guide dear, will try it right now from my linux box and will post my comments in here.
ReplyDeleteDear Saravana Kumar,
ReplyDeleteIn Reliance Broadband+(3.1 MBPS), We can select the connection mode (High Speed 1X or Broadband+), How could I select the connection mode in Ubuntu?.
Thanking you,
I haven't done that. Recently i went to another city and the modem stopped working in Linux. I tried changing the baud rate in wvdial.conf, still it didn't.
ReplyDeleteI plugged it into a windows box, changed the mode to Hybrid and got connected. When tried in Linux it started working again. Guess the option is only available in the software supplied with the modem.
Hi SK.
ReplyDeleteThanks a tonne for this... I have another problem... I did all that you asked. when i did
$ sudo wvdial
I am getting the following message
promeet@promeet-laptop:~$ sudo wvdial
--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
--> Cannot get information for serial port.
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATZ
--> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
--> Modem initialized.
--> Sending: ATDT#777
--> Waiting for carrier.
--> Carrier detected. Waiting for prompt.
--> Connected, but carrier signal lost! Retrying...
--> Sending: ATDT#777
--> Waiting for carrier.
~[7f]}#@!}!}!} }8}"}&} } } } }#}$@#}%}&n$ E}'}"}(}"dX~~[7f]}#@!}!}"} }8}"}&} } } } }#}$@#}%}&n$ E}'}"}(}".J~~[7f]}#@!}!}#} }8}"}&} } } } }#}$@#}%}&n$ E}'}"}(}"gC~~[7f]}#@!}!}$} }8}"}&} } } } }#}$@#}%}&n$ E}'}"}(}"+f~~[7f]}#@!}!}%} }8}"}&} } } } }#}$@#}%}&n$ E}'}"}(}"bo~~[7f]}#@!}!}&} }8}"}&} } } } }#}$@#}%}&n$ E}'}"}(}"(}]~^CCaught signal 2: Attempting to exit gracefully...
--> Disconnecting at Fri Dec 18 17:53:42 2009
point to note here is... i am in gorakhpur at present here broadband+ service is not yet available. my concern is i am going to Lucknow for a conference and i really really need this to work tehre before sunday.
Please please tell me... if this message is coz i am in gorakhpur and that it will work fine once i am in a city where the broadband+ service is present.
Thanks for your help
I can't say for sure. But if you can try changing the mode to hybrid in windows and try to use the modem in Ubuntu it may work in gorakhpur itself.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to setup same modem on Ubuntu 9.04 but getting error as
can not open /dev/ttyUSB0 : No such device
if you could help, that will be great!
Looks like the device is detected as storage device.
ReplyDeleteDid you try the steps above?
Hi SK, Thanks for the reply
ReplyDeleteI have done all the steps above, my modem is getting detected when I give command, lsusb -v and also lsusb. I have installed usb_modswitch also all the settings are done as per given in and your blog. when I give a command, usb_modswitch,
this is the output
Found default devices (1)
Accessing device 020 on bus 003 ...
Using endpoints 0x02 (out) and 0x82 (in)
Not a storage device, skipping SCSI inquiry
USB description data (for identification)
Manufacturer: ZTE, Incorporated
Product: ZTE CDMA Tech
Serial No.: not provided
Looking for active driver ...
No driver found. Either detached before or never attached
Setting up communication with interface 0 ...
Trying to send the message to endpoint 0x02 ...
OK, message successfully sent
-> Run lsusb to note any changes. Bye.
my wvdial.conf is
[Dialer Defaults]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Stupid Mode = 1
Modem Type = USB Modem
ISDN = 0
Phone = #777
New PPPD = yes
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB1
Username = 0000000000
Password = 0000000000
CBaud = 460800
when I connect the modem, the USB files are created automatically in /dev/
as /ttyUSB1/ttyUSB2 etc
so when I given a command, wvdial, it shows
# wvdial
--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
--> Cannot get information for serial port.
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATZ
--> Sending: ATQ0
--> Re-Sending: ATZ
--> Modem not responding.
and stops working
Please help me in this issue
Thanks in advance!!
lsusb output is similar what is mentioned above (fff1)?
ReplyDeleteAfter you plugin the modem you can check /var/log/messages and see what it says. I don't run usb_modswitch but instead use modprobe like this:
$ sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x19d2 product=0xfff1
You can use a similar command to connect (map?) the driver to the modem device. The device number may be different in your case.
ReplyDeleteCan you help me,
how to in open suse 10 sp3
when i insert the modem,
it detects only storage device
not modem.
Hi. I tried to connect Reliance Netconnect Broadband plus in Ubuntu 9.04 and it's not working. I used the given software and everything got installed. Now when I click on the "Connect" button in the Reliance window, it configures modem and everything , gives till "Logging to net" but then finally says "Network Disconnected". I DON'T WANT TO USE WVDIAL. What do I do now? (I have entered all settings - username, password, port, etc.) PLEASE HELP!!!
ReplyDeletei bought a new reliance netconnect data card AC2726, i cannot install in laptop ( window 7 hp ) and i am not techi so can you please explain how can i do this because i clled reliance customer care but there is no response so could you please explain detailly.
Thanks & Regard's
I installed this Windows7 last week. All i did was to plug the modem inside. It asked me to install the software (you must be admin to do this).
ReplyDeleteThen you will have to provide the phone number (#777) and the username & password to connect. That should work.
I'm having problems with the Init scripts. Using the default I get:
ReplyDelete--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
--> Cannot get information for serial port.
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATZ
--> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
--> Modem initialized.
--> Sending: ATM1L3DT#777
--> Waiting for carrier.
--> No Carrier! Trying again.
Any ideas? I'm trying to connect to Telecom Kenya.
I'm having trouble getting this modem to work.
ReplyDeleteAfter installing usb-modswitch from the debian sid repository (unstable), and following the advice in this post, I got it recognized.
It shows up in network manager.
Unfortunately, I can't dial out with gnome-ppp.
Does anyone have any working init strings that I can try? Mine is specifically Orange Telecom Kenya?
I'm trying to connect my modem, and following the instructions on this post, I managed to get it recognized as a modem by Network manager.
ReplyDeleteHowever, even using gnome-ppp, I can't get it to connect. It seems the problem is the init strings.
What init strings should I use?
Do you get any errors when you run gnome-ppp?
ReplyDeleteAlso it is better to use the version available in karmic repo (if you are trying from Karmic). At times it doesn't work until i set the speed to 57600.
ugh. sorry for the multiple posts. Somehow I didn't see the "awaiting for moderation" and just posted again.
ReplyDeleteI'm using Jaunty, and for some reason installing from anything short of the debian sid caused problems:
I think the errors are posted above. If they aren't good enough, let me know what errors you're referring to.
i am using ZTE AC2726, when i connect with laptop it will automactic detect modem and trying to installation but after some process i got modem installtion failed(0).
ReplyDeleteI am not able to install modem software.
@issaclw You can install the .deb package from the modem storage (Orange Kenya ZTE AC2726) and try that application instead. It will show you if you have a signal etc.
ReplyDeleteJust copy it from Windows to a specific USB memory if you are not able to get the files on Linux.
I usually have to modprobe after each hibernate or removal of the modem.
@Jonas, unfortunately there is an "exe" file, a "dmg" file, but no "deb" file.
ReplyDeleteThanks for a very useful post for this... I have successfully connected ZTE AC2726 Modem on Linux backtrack4 but i have another problem,I did all that you asked and i connected to internet.but when i reboot my computer i mean after a normal reboot I try to connect with Wvdial but I have an error
root@bt:~# wvdial
--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
--> Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory
--> Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory
--> Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory
So I do this this commend
Bus 004 Device 004:ID 19d2:fff1 ONDA Communication S.p.A.
its show this commend
so I can't connect to the modem and if I reboot the /dev/ttyUSB0 is removed
How can I fix this?so plz Help me..
thanks it worked for me
ReplyDeletehi sk
ReplyDeletewhen i connect the zte ac2726 reliance netconnect usb modem, it restarts the laptop and net is not connected. i have tried on other pcs and laptops, it is working fine.
only in my laptop, dell inspiron 1300, it is not working.
you have any answer??
I have recently successfully installed ZTE AC2726 in my UBUNTU 10.10 Netbook edition in CityCell network of Bangladesh. It is working nicely. Used below simple method:
ReplyDelete1. Plugged the device in USB.
2. Opened the Terminal and typed lsusb
3. I found the name ":fff1" ZTE modem in one of the listed usb's. (means it is detected!)
4. Then again typed wvdialconf in the terminal.
5. Whether it says wvdialcof is installed/not installed, I just typed and tried several times.
6. Than I found the "Mobile Broadband" in the wirless network listing.
7. When I clicked that a dialogue came showing list of countries and list of service providers. I just selected.
8. But still user name and pass not asked!
9. To correct this I went to "Network connections" from the menu.
10. There I found Mobile Broadband tab again. I have clicked the edit and found the user name and pass options. Just provided.
11. Then again from wireless menu, I clicked to connect the mobile broadband. And it started working!!
If you have question pls email me at
ReplyDeleteRecently I installed windows 7 professional, I am able to install ZTE AC2726 driver, but the application is not running after.
Previously i used Windows 7 ultimate, that time there was no problem. can any body help, with the solution
btw guys ubuntu 10.10 detects the modem out of the box. make sure u remove the PIN, it works great with wvdial, there is also a way of porting the software that comes with the modem, u could get it here, look 4 linux option, it works well
disable the pin to get a carrier using wvdial
ReplyDeleteIt works well - if you configure with the Network Manager.
ReplyDeleteYou shud restart the service once you enter the details.
It works for me.
zte-ac2726 on ubuntu 10.10 - Del Vostro 1510.
Contact me if some one need more help
These are the steps I used to connect with this modem (10.04 lucid)
ReplyDelete1) installed pppconfig
2) ran 'sudo su -' to drop to root terminal
3) ran 'pppconfig' and followed mostly defaults
4) Confirm your "/etc/ppp/peers/provider" file is the same as mine:
# This optionfile was generated by pppconfig 2.3.18
connect "/user/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider"
user "orangefixedplus"
ipparam provider
lcp-echo-failure 100
lcp-echo-interval 36000
Settings for orange Telkom Kenya in ubuntu 10.10
ReplyDelete1. The modem pin needs to be disabled. This needs to be done from any windows pc
2. Insert the modem and follow the original comments i.e.
$ lsusb
Bus 005 Device 004: ID 19d2:fff1 <- Notice the change in product id
$ sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x19d2 product=0xfff
The modem will be detected by networkmanager as a cdma modem. Select it and a wizard will pop up. If you follow the wizard just select Kenya as the country and orange as the provider.
3. edit the settings from networkmanager. All you need is to add the username as: orangefixedplus and the password as: orange
4. DONE! Browsing happily but at pathetic speeds in Kenya. Yea cause orange promised speeds go till 3mbps and even though my signal is full in EVDO i get a max of 256kbps.
Hi Saravana,
ReplyDeleteThank you for the instructions on how to install ZTE Ac2726 modem. I followed the steps to install the modem on Jacky 9.04. All went well until I issued the command:
sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x19d2 product=0xfff1
I got an error:
FATAL Module usbserial not found
What do I do from here?
ReplyDeleteI meant Jaunty 9.04 and not "Jacky". The kernel is 2.6.28-11-generic
ReplyDeleteam trying to use huawei EV-DO modem for orange network in kenya to connect to wi-free signal, what i do is connect the modem first(without buying bundles from them) then connect the wi-free programme. the modem connects very quickly but disconnects after like 3 mins which breaks immediately the wi-free connection.
is there a way the modem can be configured so that it does not disconnect???
i tried configuring the network connection options that it should never disconnect even if idle!! but still after 3 mins there is a disconnetion.